Community Needs & Health Assessment

The Community Action Commission of Fayette County, in partnership with the Fayette County Health Department, presents the 2021-2023 Community Needs Assessment and Community Health Assessment Survey.  This survey helps CAC meet CSBG funding organizational standards and the Health Department meets accreditation standards. This survey is an important tool that drives the work within our agencies and on our cross-sector community coalitions. Data from the last needs assessment helped Community Action obtain Drug-Free Communities, Rural Health Opioid, Violence Against Women, and HUD COC funding for projects that are helping people and changing lives in our community.


Surveys will remain open until 5/7/2020.

Survey for all community members

Survey for businesses only


While going green is important to us, a paper copy has been attached to improve accessibility to all populations.  If you would like Christina to print them, please email her a number of copies to


This notice is posted on our website and on Facebook @cacfayettecounty or


Community Action will hold 5 focus groups.  Target audiences include all individuals that live and work in Fayette County.  To participate, please register


Attachment Size
Need Assessment Survey-Individual 140.28 KB
Business Survey 42.63 KB

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